Magnus Crome quotes from Mortal Engines

Thursday, October 27, 2016
magnus chrome quotes mortal engines

Magnus Crome quotes from the Mortal Engines movie

magnus chrome from mortal engines fan art
The Mayor of London, and a ruthless operator, Magnus Chrome is the face of evil in the novel and movie Mortal Engines

With a desire to conquer the people and resources beyond the Shield Wall, together with Thaddeus Valentine, he conjured a clever plan to build a rebuild a weapon that was used in the 60 Minute War, the Medusa

In carrying out this plan, Hester's mother and family were murdered which led to some pretty heavy repercussions as Hester sought her revenge. 

It was Magnus Chrome that sent The Shrike to assassinate Tom and Hester to ensure no one outside the city of London knew of his plan.

We suspect that the character is being played by actor Patrick Malahide. Malahide is probably most well known for his role in Game of Thrones.

Quotes by Magnus Chrome of Mortal Engines

"We should never have gone to Europe"


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